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    Planning for an Argyll

    * After I created this thread, I had to back off on some of the higher cost items I have been planning. They're still on the table, but pushed back a little. *

    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    If, like some, you are on a tight budget then your best investment is a black Argyll jacket and two black waistcoats-- one 3 button (like those worn with a PC) and the other a standard six button affair.

    Six-button waistcoat + Argyll, & four-in-hand tie = day wear/dressy evening wear = suit and tie.
    Three-button waistcoat + Argyll & bow tie = formal evening wear = tuxedo.

    So there you have it, the basic formula for being well-dressed on a budget:

    [1(Argyll Jacket) + 2(waistcoats)] - (white socks) = 1 Well Dressed Gentleman.

    From Jock Scot's thread "A trans-Atlantic thing?"

    That makes sense, and i'm subtracting the white hose. I could start with the black Argyll jacket because I might not be able to afford all three at the same time.

    If anybody has one, is the black Argyll jacket (or Argyle) shown here J. Higgins, Ltd. -- Daywear Outfit a good quality jacket?
    In the next round of spending, I could add their five button waistcoat to that. I have heard the waistcoat is a good value.
    They don't seem to sell a Prince Charlie waistcoat on it's own, but perhaps it would be a good starting point for the outfits. Those are also closest to what I can afford if it is an adequately constructed jacket.

    Price isn't the only thing I'm considering, so I'm not ruling out the folowing:
    The Celtic Croft sells both a black Argyll jacket with vest, and a Prince Charlie vest on it's own. This might be a good option to get all three from the same source; sometimes that is worth the higher price.

    The Scottish Tartans Museum's Black Argyle kilt jacket and five button Argyle vest
    are another sound option. I would need to add a Prince Charlie waistcoat at some point.
    As I said, I won't rule out either of these options just because they are higher prices; I don't feel I need to ask about their quality. I do have to weigh the options on what I am able to afford, though.

    * I just noticed one other source for the Argyll jacket and vest. USA Kilt's jackets are in that same price range. I have read their quality is very good too. I prefer to order from a US company and avoid dealing with import issues on my own if possible. *
    Last edited by Bugbear; 10th November 08 at 03:24 PM.
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

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