The first time I wore my kilt to the shop....Oh, man....

Ruthless it was. However, I have thick skin. I put up with it for a while then I just started to get smart-a$$ed right back. We had a good time.

Then someone put a paper sign on my car, something about cross-dressing. I went back in and bluntly stated that that had crossed the line and that was the end of the over-the-top stuff.

The still gave me flack about it, but nothing ever got serious as that ever again.

For me, it was about setting the boundry. And letting them know when it was crossed, and that was that.

Wearing a kilt in an all-male, testosterone-filled environment, one must have a thick skin and be able to laugh at yourself and roll with it.

Oh, and a lot of comebacks are helpfull as well!

YMMV, but I had fun with it. It would be a lot of help to have one of your closest co-workers/buddy in on it first to go in with some backup. That was fun....(different job).


P.S.- To quote a line: "A target-rich environment" would be a good place to do the introduction, as you would get a lot of attention from the lady sort, helping your cause dramatically!