Another adjective that we might perhaps do without: "delicate" sensibilities.
I think that EVERYONE has delicate (hot button?) sensibilities on at least one subject or in one area of life or experience. Some have few, some many. Some topics here bear that out -- although this forum to its credit is much more enjoyably civil than others.
I'd have said predominately male occupations or workplaces. "Masculine" might be read to imply an attribute of an individual -- and suggest an opposite that's too much like red meat.
I worked (I'm retired now) in a human services office in which the customers were very often embarrassed and supplicant. That often prompted the fight or flight response. And if you can’t flee (or fight outright) then the substitutes included finding something (anything) to take offense to, and a ready argumentativeness especially again to change the subject.
A kilt would have been a clear disruption in that environment.
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]