Commercial Break
In a living room
We see two women curled up on a couch watching a movie. The are dressed in flannel pajamas.
“Oh, poor Greg,” says the first woman. “It’s such a shame.”
“I know,” says the second. “But Di, isn’t the actor playing Mr. Dove just so sexy.”
“Oh, I know, Julie. I was so hoping we’d get to see a little more of him in that bedroom scene,” Di says suggestively.
Julie picks up a bowl. “Oh, poo, we’re out of popcorn.”
“Make some more.”
“I can’t. If I get up I might miss some of the movie.”
“No you won’t. Here, use this.” She hands a package to Julie.
Julie takes the package and examines it. “X Pop? I never heard of it.”
“It’s the greatest thing. All you have to do is pull out the strip on the bottom. That will activate the FK heating unit in the bottom. The unit quickly heats the popcorn inside so that it pops right here on the table. And the heating unit is all internal, so you can set it right on your furniture without damaging anything. Why, it’s so safe you can even hold it in your hand while it’s working.”
Julie pulls the tab from the bottom of the package and sets it on the table. After a few moments we hear corn starting to pop. As the pops continue, the package begins to swell upwards. When the popping stops, the package has swollen to about the size of a volleyball.
“Now,” says Di, “Just tear open the top and pour it into the bowl.”
“What about the heating unit; isn’t it still hot?”
“No, the unit operates through a chemical reaction and there is just enough to pop the corn. It’s perfectly safe now.”
“Amazing!” Julie tears open the package and dumps the popped corn into the bowl. She takes a few kernels and pops them into her mouth. “It tastes great.”
“Yeah, and you didn’t even have to leave the couch.” She looks back to the television. “Oh, the movie’s coming back on.”
They both settle back with the popcorn between them to continue watching the movie.
The scene changes to show a package of X Pop while it is popping.
The narrator speaks, “X Pop Insta-Cook Popcorn from X Marks the Scot and FK Industries.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb