Here's a quick story that proves that a Sporran is a necessary component of a kilt, self defense and all.

My senior year in high school, my best friend and I convinced the entire group of guys that we did everything with, that we should all go kilted to our Senior Prom. The idea went over grand and we soon placed our orders to rent the entire outfit, (PC, Fly Plaid, Kilt, Sporran, etc, the whole nine yards). Well, as it was the first time for many of our friends to be kilted, they decided to do everything in their kilt while they had them. We went to school in them, bowled, and decided to have a Braveheart night. Well through the course of the evening, many took of their sporrans, too cumbersome near the manhood! Now, as teenagers do, a test of one's manhood is deemed necessary at times, (if you don't get it, don't worry). Well, those without sporrans were severally handicapped!! "Should have been wearin' ya sporran!"
Hence, I always wear my sporran, self defense!