Hey, I have a Universal Life Church card too...think I got it back in the late 60s. No clue where it is....but certainly not "active" as Zardoz is.

After years of exploring various churches, listening to the door-to-door missionary pitches, and a five year stint of selling choir robes, I wound up finding "God" in a Navajo sweat lodge while a Navajo medicine man was praying fervently in words beyond my understanding.

I agree with the late "Black Wally" of AA fame in the Phoenix, Arizona area who, when asked by his family's minister why he didn't attend church with them responded, "Preacher, my work is in the field." Meaning he went out and found drunks to help get sober.

But, I digress and it was not my intention. I have the highest respect for "Sky Pilots" because where you usually see them is on the scene of death/disaster/crisis situations giving love and support to those in need.

Thanks for all you do Padres.
