My husband has been a piper since he was 12, gave it up in his mid 20s and now, in his late 40s (and since i bought him pipes last Christmas), has enthusiastically picked it up again. He has turned down a few invitations to do solo gigs at functions because he doesn't have anything to wear beyond his kilt, glenngary and a band shirt.

i was thinking to spruce him up for Christmas this year. i would love to get him a pipers plaid, but the jacket i see it worn with seems uncommon. It is buttoned all the way up and looks military. Is it a pipers doublet? Can anyone help me identify this and where i can find them?

And, am i on the right track for this project, or should i be thinking Montrose, PC, and stuff like that? It's all sort of confusing.

Thanks for any help!