OK, two separate questions. First is for you folks over in Scotland and the UK. It's about temperature of you beer/ale/stout/etc. I know that here in the US, we generally drink our beer chilled. Everyone always talks about beer in the UK being warm, which brought a thought to mind. Is your beer actually warm, or is it just warmer than what we in the US would consider a chilled beer? I guess I'm asking if there is a general temperature at which beers and ales are kept in the UK that is just warmer than what we keep beer at here in the US, or is it just left to go to room temperature? If it's just left to a 'room temperature', how do the different seasons affect the beer? I know I live in the South, and we may have temps in the low teens(Fahrenheit) in the Winter, and up over a hundred degrees in the Summer. That would significantly affect 'room temperature' of our beverages.

Just curious....

Second question is totally unrelated...well, not totally unrelated. Has anyone noticed that they seem to be able to hold a bit more beer when going kilted? Maybe it's just me....
