Any further comment by me will get this post pulled for being political.
In 1972 the United States Congress, pressured by animal activist forces, passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Its intent, besides enhancing the image of elected officials, was to prevent the import of any marine mammal products. Dolphins as by-catch in fishing operations and whitecoat harp seal pups as objects of the fur trade, were highlighted as receiving special protection through the Act.

Since 1972, the MMPA has been seen in a different light. Many Americans have been harmed by the resultant trade policy and enforcement of the Act has resulted in many violations of NAFTA and the Uruguay agreements under the GATT treaty. Even some of America's allies are beginning to consider formal complaints to a GATT panel. This was thoroughly discussed at a November 1997 meeting on the future of sealing, convened by NAMMCO in St. John’s, Newfoundland.