Anyone into 18th century sporrans like the one that Sir Malcolm MacGregor is wearing in the photos on Matt's blog? Here is a picture of the brass cantle of one from the National Museums of Scotland.

There are some others on the National Museums page also. I just love the "primitive" engraving, especially on MacGregor's and the cantle. Note the holes in the brass cantle for threading the leather strings through, and you can see the threading at the top of the MacGregor sporran.

Maclean of Dochgarroch is also wearing one in this photo.

The only one I've found who is making something similar is The Mad Piper.

The House of Labhran appears to sell them occasionally, but none are available currently.

I would like to find someone who could recreate such a cantle, and have a Ferguson Britt attached to it through the Scottish Tartan's Museum.

Any thoughts?