Snowbear posted a thread recently requesting advice on PC jackets. I mentioned that I'd rejected buying a PC in favour of a Black wool Argyll (Argyle) Jacket that I have modified slightly. Thought you might like to see some pictures.

It's a black barathea wool jacket and a barathea waistcoat. both bought through the internet but at different times and from different sources. I've removed the nasty, badly moulded, silver coloured buttons from the jacket and removed the satin buttons from the waistcoat and replaced them throughout with plain black, suit buttons.

I wasn't impressed with the jacket when I first got it but now I have meddled with it I like it a lot.

Ensemble consists of:
Light blue business shirt.
Regimental tie, tied with windsor knot.
Black barathea jacket and waistcoat with plain black buttons throughout.
Grandfathers silver pocket watch, chain and key.
Black Watch kilt pleated to sett.
Chrome Sword Kilt pin
Nasty rabbit fur, crome cantle dress sporran (mind you don't cut yourself on the metal bits)
Black Kilt hose.
Black Watch flashes
Black Oxford Brogue shoes

From the back.

From the front again...

And err... from the back again...

So there y'go. That's what I was on about.

I'm sure it would all work with a wing collar and a black tie as well. It'll have to. I'm not getting another.

Yes, That goatie has definately gotta go.