From a memorial page on a web site about the history and people of Kinnethmont, a parish in Aberdeenshire, Scotland:

On 6th December the 6th Gordons, in 7th Division - 20th Brigade became
the first 51st HD battalion to arrive on The Western Front joining up with
regulars of the 2nd Gordons, Scots and Grenadier Guards in the trenches
in front of Sailly, near Armentieres. Alex's company were the first into the
trenches. Four days in the line and four resting in billets to the rear was the
usual routine. The battalion were billeted south of the town and much time
was spent cleaning up after a tour in the mud swamped trenches.

Members of 6 GH cleaning up after a tour in the trenches,
the man shaving still wears the drab apron over his kilt. This
was worn to camouflage the kilt and to help keep it clean and
dry in the muddy trenches.

The apron has been discussed here before, but I don't recall having yet seen a view of it from the rear. It goes all the way around and loosely pleated.