Following the order of meeting here are the XMarkers that I have met:
1. PaulX608
2. Grey Wolf
3. Gatorneck
4. The Kilted Wonder
5. Jerry
6. Canawler
7. M Beron
8. Randy
9. Kilted Nation
10. Malcolm McWilliams
11. HeathBar
12. Mud
13. FreeDon1
14. MacNulty
15. Livingstone
16. ScottishRebel
17. KiltedMusicLover
18. Balaamass51
19. Turpin
20. Tartan Hiker
21. Jamais Arriere
22. ShawHighlander
23. Macsim
24. MacMoose
25. Jimmy Carbomb
26. Kilted Rebel
27. DrillAgent
28. ThatCelticBand
29. MacMillan of Rathdown
30. djweso,
31. Navy Guy
32. parker_db
33. MacDoc451
34. Sir William