Well our snow has changed to "freezing RAIN ( low 30s) Instead of 14" of snow, INCHES of Slush. (As you know for this "cold" spell, I have been wearing my Regimental wt. KILTS.) In order to "WADE" through the CRAP, I decided to wear my "high top" water proof boots & I decided to wear my 18oz MOD TREWS,tucked into the boots.


Temps in the low 20s, wearing Regimental Wt.(20-22oz),8 yard kilts = "WARM & TOASTY"

Today ( low 30s) wearing Regimental MOD TREWS (18oz) with LONG JOHNS,= NOT as warm, in fact by the end of my 3 mile walk, I found that I was not as warm overall, as I had been wearing my KILTS.

What is your take on this ???
