Oh dear! Derek, I already feel guilty enough without you keep rubbing it in!! I believe I might be the reason (or one of them) why your visit to London did not quite work out as you had hoped and, if this is so, I apologise - yet again. I would have LOVED to have been with you all to accompany the "little airship" on this adventure but, alas, it was not possible as I had to remain in West Sussex. You done the wee laddie proud though - so many Capital sights in so few hours.

For the benefit of those not "in the know", Derek's photos of 'Floris', at 89 Jermyn Street in London's West End, show the HQ premises belonging to the United Kingdom's oldest Perfumery business - founded in 1730 and still in the private hands of the same family, eight generations later. It was here, in 1966 that I joined the Company as Retail Manager, a year later was promoted to General Manager and from where I retired 36 years later having been Export Director for eleven years. This is not the place to dwell on the illustrious and fascinating clientelle I got to know or simply met whilst there - Royalty, Stars of stage and screen, Politicians, you name it, and some are still friends of mine. Another time, folks. Another time!

Thanks Derek for the truly amazing adventures you are giving our little friend from California - whoever follows you as host will surely not be able to compete in any way!

Take care,