Not wishing to hi-jack a thread, I thought I post a question here.

After reeling over Hamish's magnificent Kilt Kollection (or part there-of) in his lovely, continuation of the flight of the Saltire thread. I noticed that in this Picture...

... all the wool kilts appear to be wrapped in plastic. Presumably this is to protect against clothes moth larvae.

Set me thinkin' (ooh noo!) as I'm venturing into worsted wool, and though mainly aimed at Hamish this, anyone else, please feel free to chip in.

What type of bag do you use for this err... barrier method? (Home-made / shop bought and if so how made/ where bought). Presumably it needs to be sealed all round to keep the blighters out?

Is there any effective way of protecting wool other than a bag. I've read that Cedarwood is supposed to be the business but also read elsewhere that it's not . Anyone got any experience of this working or failing?

Anyone got any experience of Moth damage to a kilt and was it repairable?

I've spent quite a bit getting my first wool kilt sorted and I'm quite prepared to sit up all night with a machine gun but sensible X Marks advice may prevent the need for such drastic action.

Help and advice, once again, is appreciated.