So, I got my new argyll/waistcoat in from usakilts, and I love it. Waistcoat has a slight wrinkle, but that'll come out with a light pressing. Anywho, this is a dual-purpose thread. One purpose is to show off the new purchase, and the other to get advice on dressing it up to go see Wicked later this month.

So, the picture:

I thought the black shirt with red tie and flashes would kind of dress it down slightly (as compared to white shirt/black tie), as we're going in a large group, and some will not be as dressed up as others.

Only difference will be that I'll be wearing a semi-dress sporran, which I'm going to order from USA Kilts tomorrow.

Look good to everyone?

If there are suggestions for changes, I don't have much more to work with, but I could see what I could do (hose: dark green, charcoal, black, cream, navy. Ties: red, navy. Flashes: black, red)