Quote Originally Posted by David Dubh View Post
Why do rentals think it appropriate to rent/sell cream hose for formal wear? Would you wear white socks with your buisness suit or tux??
When you wear a business suit or a tux, the socks are not visible to the overall appearance. When they do peek out, I want them to match either the color of the shoes or the pants -- that is, black socks only with a black tux, with black shoes.

I believe the reason some people like white is that is shows off the ties on the ghillie brogues, and white matches the shirt. I don't believe that I would wear white with any other shoes. There are some good examples in the formal pics section.

Kilt hose are a very visible piece of the attire. For me, I want the color to match or complement something else in the attire. For formal occasions, I tend to like black as it ties in with the black in my kilt, as well as the shoes and the jacket. I don't have don't have a pair of hose with the right color blue.