From Thanksgiving through New Years I found that several of my kilts had somehow mysteriously decreased in waist size. Some of these I could still wear by buckling them in the outermost hole, but even then they felt tight. What to do? Spend the rest of the winter in the house wearing a bath robe until the warmth of summer reverses this strange anomaly? Make Great Kilts out of older bedspreads, carefully gathering the backs into pleats so that they are pleated to the tulip, daisey, or Batman's head?

Not to worry. I found out that Rocky and Kelly have kilt extension straps in 1.25 and 1.50" width. I bought a couple pair of each size. The quality is top-notch and they look great too! I expect my kilts to expand back to their original size by summer, but I'll keep these top-notch extension straps stored in a safe place, just in case this mysterious kilt shrinking anomaly should happen next holiday season.
