OK, I picked up this Grodon Highlader Dirk on eBay a couple of weeks back

I'm not mentioning the price or really wanting congratulations on winning it (although that's appreciated). My question is whether this is a real Gordon Highlander's Dirk or a repro. The person who sold it said it was a repro, but I don't see any maker's marks or "India" or "China" stamped on it in the expected places.

Also, there is a picture of a similar dirk on page 46 in James D. Forman's The Scottish Dirk (Museum Restoration Service--Historical Arms Series No. 26, 1991).

The difference I can see between the one I have and the one in the book is that the one in the book has battle honours inscribed on the blade.

The sheath on mine is made out of a suede material.

I reckon someone here should have the knowse to figure out whether this is really a repro or the real deal.

For the rest of you: enjoy the pics!

I'm not selling it whatever the case even if I would make a packet if this turns out to be the real deal.

I'm just curious as this is a nice piece and I haven't seen too many "repros" like this out there.