Another One Bites The Dust
Another victim of the economy, here.
Yeah, I know this isn't related to kilts much, 'cept it'll put a damper on any kilt-related acquisitions for a while. Just thought I'd share a major life event with my forum friends.
The major world-wide financial company I've work for for the last 15 years announced last October they were cutting their workforce by 10% or 7,000 employees. Well, my organization finally announced their reorg plans & out of 330 positions, 106 were eliminated (mine included). They'll post 49 "new" positions tomorrow, so there's less than a 50% chance I may still work for them. Otherwise, come Feb. 27th, I'm out the door. For my years of service (& to soothe their conscience for shipping my job off-shore for which they'll probably get a tax break), they will provide me 6 months of full severence pay. But it looks like my 30+ years in IT are finished. So much for computers being the job of the future!
I'll be discussing my options with a career counselor, but this will probably be the time for me to convert my 20 year professional hobby of DJing into my full-time profession.
I should be fine; it's not the first time I've lost a job. Plus, my wife is an RN, so her job should be secure, & we've wisely lived well below our means throughout our 32 years together. Still, it stings a bit when you lose a job you like & are good at.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent a little.
Buckle up, folks, there's some nasty turbulence ahead...
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society