I left a very lucrative ( I don't want to boast about salary and bonuses) position in the Insurance industry 15 years ago and turned in all the corporate b.s. to go back to school at 42 to get my teaching certificate. Teaching is not an easy profession. PERIOD! It has to be one of the most rewarding professions I've ever entered. I used to dread going to work every day, flying all over the country courting General Agencies, and not having time for myself. I traded that for a certificate that gives me the possibility of making a difference in one student's life. Along the way I look forward to getting up at 5 A.M. every day, driving 72 miles round trip through the mountains, putting up with students who want to learn (some don't), and have a lot of 60-80 hr. workweeks. Is it hard? YES! Do I enjoy it? I wished I would have started doing this 30 years ago.
Sure we work ONLY ten months a year, but during that period we put in more time prepping, grading, taking courses to make us better at what we do, going to meetings, dealing with parents, dealing with administrators, and finally we get to teach 3 1.5 hour classes each day. I get to school at 7:30 A.M. and usually do not leave until 4:00 P.M. The interaction that I have with my students leaves me with a feeling of accomplishment, and gives the student a really good feeling that someone cares because they sometimes don't get that at home.
Do I wish I got paid more? Sure, who feels that they are paid what they are worth. If I take my pay and average it out as apposed to the hours I put in I'd probably be below minimum wage for a guy with three degrees and half a Masters.
Would I trade that for the feeling of accomplishment at the end of a term. NO! For a change I feel, and a lot of other teachers feel, that we are doing something constructive for our society. Whatever the content area you work in, or whatever the grade level you teach we need more of us out there making a difference to our youth.
SO... should you go back to school and get your teaching certificate no matter what hoops you gotta jump through.........Do it. What you will be doing has more good to it than bad, you feel good at the end of the day (though exhausted), you'll make your mother proud, and you may get to wear your kilt to school on dress down Fridays.
There. I shot my bolt.

My "Hey, what you doin' out in the hall?" look.