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  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th February 06
    the desolate sandy wastes of Tucson, Sonora Desert, Baja Arizona, USA
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    Pulling the plug on 139 years

    The gig is just about up - my newspaper, the oldest continuously published news outlet in Arizona, will stop the press on March 21.

    Tucson Citizen to cease publication March 21 if no buyer found

    Technically, the giant multi-national Gannett chain has put it up for sale - or at least "certain assests" of the paper.

    Informed scuttlebut says they want to shut it down, to legally open the way to pick up the other local daily, which is published by the even-worse-off Lee Enterprises.

    Lee's about to be delisted from the NYSE, and they owe a billion dollars on their recent purchase of the Pulitzer chain. That's money they don't have. Last time I checked, the market cap on the entire company was $16 million.

    Gannett claims to be hurting, but they still rake in money hand over fist - even as they're laying off thousands of staffers in the U.S. and in Britain.

    So, because of corporate shenanigans, some 68 great journalists will be shunted aside, along with nearly a century and a half legacy of great reporting - writing, photography, editing, design, and lately video and other Internet multimedia.

    I'm proud to have worked there - this has been the absolute best job I've ever had! The passion, ethics and dedication of my colleagues have been a constant inspiration.

    After having a few pops of Powers last night, I'm assessing my personal way forward.
    Last edited by McMurdo; 18th January 09 at 05:56 AM. Reason: to conform with the forum rules.
    - The Beertigger
    "The only one, since 1969."

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