The Importance of knowing the Rules of Kilted Fashion
MacMillan of Rathdown recently wrote in another thread about the importance of knowing the rules before deviating from them.
I have mentioned this before and think that the topic is in itself worthy of a thread.
Like it or not there are fashion rules
There are some very staunch traditionalists here on XMTS.
I am thinking about people like Chef, MoM, Matt Newsome, cajunscot, Scotus,and Jock Scot to name a few.
When they wear highland attire they do so in a traditional manner and they follow those rules to a "T".
Now when they offer their thoughts I carefully read them.
I want to know the rules.
Once you know the rules then you can decide how much of them you are going to follow.
I have a tweed hat that I think works very well with a traditional outfit even though it isn't traditional (and gives Jock Scot the heebie jeebies
So I wear it happily, but in the knowledge that this is breaking a convention.
Likewise my all black kilted outfit I have worn to Scottish Country Dances is one that Todd wouldn't wear in a million years. But I think it is quite daring, dashing, and I pull off wearing it with flair.
I would like to tip my hat (yes Jock the Tweed one!
) to all the staunch traditionalists here on XMTS for helping me understand the rules of kilted fashion.
I may not always follow those rules.
They are rules after all not Fashion Laws after all.
But when I break them it is by my choice, not ignorance.
Last edited by Panache; 21st January 09 at 12:13 PM.
Reason: spelling
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand