Hey all,

Steve just posted about the XMTS fabric here:


I admire that he is willing to make good on his promises out of his own pocket, and I know how hard it can be to admit that one has messed up.

I happen to know that Steve has lost money on every one of the runs of fabric and pins he has done for XMTS. But he does it because he likes us (yes, he's crazy! ).

That fringed edge is the same one that a lot of Rocky's USA kilts come with.

So my kilts may have a fringed edge or I might have to hem that edge (hey it's an excuse to drink while sewing-always fun! )

It's no biggie.

We are in for something like 10 or 12 yards of fabric of this run.

I am more than happy to take the fabric Steve received from Marton Mills

Fringed edge? Hmmmph! There are a lot more important things in this world to worry about! (Ye gads, I'm starting to sound like Alan!)

We love ya Steve!

Be well,
