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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd September 08
    SF Bay Area
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    Sometimes wearing a kilt is a costume...

    I'm in a band. We play high energy dance music. When performing I play kilted. Normally, I pick a kilt to try to match the venue. Last night, for instance, we played a popular club in San Francisco so I wore my gray UK, black t-shirt (Levi jacket when not playing) and 8" black tactical boots with scrunched down charcoal colored kilt hose. (Got LOTS of positive comments, BTW!) But I digress...

    We recently released our third CD. The common thread throughout the tunes is the high seas and pirates. So we're throwing a CD release party at an art space in the city and we're decking the space out with pirate-like stuff.... you get the scenario.

    I want to go kilted, but as a kilted pirate? LOL! Anyway, I was browsing eBay last week and what did I find (in my size!):

    A black denim UK customized with skull snaps

    I'm also getting a "cheesemaker smock" shirt made by Celtic Warrior Kilts to go along with the "costume."

    So, yes, sometimes wearing a kilt is a costume.

    BTW, our new CD is called "Skull & Magpies"--aaarrgh!
    Last edited by GDub; 24th January 09 at 07:31 PM. Reason: grammar r us

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