Hey there, Barb. I have to chime in here as an ex smoker. I can smell it everywhere. About 6 months after I stopped, I started noticing that my whole apartment stunk. My clothes stunk. I had no clue when I was smoking.It was a normal part of things that I was acclimated to. I doubt your associate knows that she reeks. I had to replace my wardrobe because I couldn't get the smell out, and it just made me want to start smoking again, which I really didn't want to do. So to the smell- I found no way to get rid of it, and that was 9 years ago. Maybe there is something new, but I don't know about it. That stuff sticks to everything... It's just plain disgusting. Good luck with all that.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.