Quote Originally Posted by bricekolob View Post
I am really to the point where I want to strangle one of my co-workers. Today, for valentines day, this person brought me a gift bag with pom-poms in it. He said that I could use them when I put my “skirt” on. Even his girlfriend, who was with him at the time, said I could give them to my son and he could cheer for me in his “skirt” (I plan on getting my 3 ˝ year old a kilt soon). They think this is so funny, but I am not laughing. There were students present when he gave it to me, so I had to hold back a little bit. I would like to know what you guys would have done in this situation. I have to work with this guy, so I don’t want to make a big deal. However, maybe I should. Let me know what you think!

I think a more direct approach might be more effective. Take him (them) aside and tell them that you do not find their "skirt" comments funny and *ask* that they stop. If you don't object to their jokes about you, they'll think it's okay and will keep doing it. Good luck.