Originally Posted by
I agree. When my brother-in-law pokes fun, I know that it is just a joke. We get a long really well and he means well. I do believe this has gone beyond just a joke. I think what I will do is wear my kilt more often, just to get him riled up. Once or twice a week. What do you guys think?
One of those lines that my friend and I don't cross- ever- is making fun of each other's children. What kind of worthless coward does that? Seriously!
Next time you wear your kilt, have those poms handy so you can give him his little puff balls back. Tell him he should try to re attach them.
Originally Posted by
It never seems to end. Many of these same people would never buy a Muslim co-worker a new "Towel" for her head.
Would they make fun of any other national style of dress to the wearer's face? Why is it we live in a society that sees to think that it is okay to mock another culture?
This situation as described is the very definition of a hostile work environment. HR should have something to say about it.
The fact that it took place in front of your students makes it even worse. If your co-workers can not treat you with respect while in the presence of you students, how can the students be expected to treat you with respect.
I feel that you must demand respect from your co-worker. If they can not deliver, then you must take things to the higher level and file a formal complaint.
No, of course not. Those others are people with cultures. We're white- the only culture we have is the mayonaise on our white bread and turkey breast sandwiches. I was actually told that- that my kilt is not cultural because I'm white. And if you look at it, that's the general attitude of society. We have black this, latino that, but call something white (like a history month) and see what happens.
Last edited by Nighthawk; 13th February 09 at 11:10 AM.
"Two things are infinite- the universe, and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein.