What a day. I worked from 6 to 12. Came home and found the oil tank empty. Picked up 10 gals of kero to keep the heat on until monday. Got cleaned up to go the FOP oyster and bull roast. Never did see the bull. Beer flowed. Yingling. Cant drink miller or coors lights. not real beers. Ater oysters rawq until I found t he fried and then went bakc to raw ones. It's great living this close to Chesapeake Bay. Any way, I wore my kilt to the wing ding. As I have since I got kilted. Lots of cops and their gilfreinds/wives. and a lot of Morons. Blugrass band played for about an hour. The singer in the band sang the kilt song. Accapella. He sangf all alone, by himself. did a great job. I'm standing there with a beer and a stupid grin oin my face and every body is waiting for me to flash or something. I thanked the guy for singing the song. I had lots of fun even though the other half wanted to go home. DJ finally played the Chicken dance. Man I love that song. Its my ring tone. after haveing tee many martunies, (really drinking beer). We left and came home. I just had to get on and report this story right away before I slept it off. I have never had any one sing a song for me just because I wore the kilt. Sorry about the spelling its hard to type after so mush liquid libations. and at least 50 rAW oysters. IU know AI will regret this in the am as I must be in church at 09:00 hrs. I apologize to all for gioing so long. But I had a blast tonight. and didnt hurt anyone. Score One for the old kilted guy. !!!!!Will wear kilt to church and repent. At least until barley juice comes to town. then I can do it again. Lutherans can drink and get away with. ttfn.
