My Kilted Journey only started last September at the Scottish Games held at Old Westbury Gardens. Met with some soon-to-become friends and had a blast. I didn't wear a kilt, but was jealous of everyone who did. I was also jealous of the bagpipers. Coincidentally, the next week my wife showed me an ad for a local Pipe and Drum band looking for members... hence my screename. Will be spending the next month or so marching in various parades around Long Island and of course.. the big St Patricks Day Parade in NYC. It has been a blast (no pun intended).

My wife hosts Christmas Eve for friends every year and since our new friends were invited I figured we could make it a Kilted Christmas Eve. I purchased a phillebeag (sorry .. I am sure I mis-spelled that) from Celtic Croft, but I just could get it to sit right. Luckily, I had the kilt from the band already. with my Rob Roy shirt and suede ankle boots, I was a sight... but it was a lot of fun. Alas, no one took any pictures.

That's how it all started. I just wish I lived in an area were kilts were a lot more a normal sight than a curiosity.