Originally Posted by
The poster asked a simple question as to what was appropriate to wear in the daytime in terms of Highland attire. Answers were given accordingly as to tradition and custom, and then the usual "don't tell me what to wear!" comments begin.
[snip]Yet recently around here, whenever someone does offer a viewpoint from the traditional customs of Highland attire, other folks feel they are being personally attacked, which I saw nothing to indicate that in the posts from the traditionalists.
You noticed that too?
Jeeze, how do we avoid this?
I want to wax sarcastic and suggest (as proposed in another thread) that there be separate forums for Traditionalists and those who chafe at rules, and order, and other such civil niceties. Maybe with an oath of allegiance to Traditional values...or anarchy (as the case may be)...required to post in those forums? But I'm afraid the humour would missed...or dismissed. Or the, perhaps too subtle, irony of the fact that there is already a sub forum for Traditionalists and (doh) another for non-traditionalists.
But I won't. I'll be respectful even though I suspect that being respectful is a wholly inappropriate response. So...
Maybe...just maybe...if we all recognized that "Traditionalists" (like every other POV) have a right to their opinions...and rules, and conventions...and when they are in direct response to a question posed in a sub-forum entitled (wait for it) "Traditional Kilts" (ahem) it doesn't require caveats.
"Can't we all just get a thong?" (with apologies to Rodney King)
Last edited by DWFII; 9th March 09 at 10:25 AM.
DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
In the Highlands of Central Oregon