Greetings! This is going to be the Sonoran Scotsmen's 10th anniversary pub crawl!

We typically have between 20-40 kilted individuals in our group plus at least 10-20 non-kilted individuals that join us. This year we will be starting our pub crawl at D'Arcy McGee's Irish Pub in Tempe. We will be starting at 6:00AM, having breakfast there for $6.00 and then proceeding on our crawl.

Some of the bars that we will most likely visit are

D'Arcy McGee's
4 Peaks Brewery
Dos Gringos
Fibber Magee's
Possibly Rula Bula

And who knows where else our walkabout may take us.

If you're interested in joining us please let me know! Either send me a private message, reply here, or email me at
