Originally Posted by
Jock Scot
I should have thought that a daytime wedding is far too important to attend wearing inappropriate attire, such as a PC. For the most formal of formal weddings, where morning dress is worn(top hat and tails) by the guests, then the black silver buttoned argyll is required. For any other day time wedding a tweed argyll is appropriate.
For a parade of a Scottish society during the day an argyll is worn.
That is why I raised those items as questions. In general I would agree, however, I recently was asked to attend the wedding of a cousin and my cousin (the bride) asked me to attend kilted in my PC. I knew and mentioned to the bride that a PC was inappropriate for that time of day. She said she wanted me in kilt and PC, it was worn.
But again one of my, and I accept it as a personal, issue is you say that "For the most formal of formal weddings, where morning dress is worn (top hat and tails) by the guests, then the black silver buttoned argyll is required." I must raise the question of: by whose authority is it REQUIRED. By whose authority has the rules of etiquette and proper attire become rules of law that they are required to be followed.
I will fully support and defend your statement with one simple change: "For the most formal of formal weddings, where morning dress is worn (top hat and tails) by the guests, then the black silver buttoned argyll is required appropriate." Yes this is what should be worn, this is how it should be worn and you will look like a fool to those that understand the rules of etiquette, but if it is required should the bumkin be thrown out for not wearing it? Should he be barred from the event? what if he is a favorite but poor relative of the bride should he be refused entry because he could not afford silver buttons for his black argyll and only had black buttons?
Last edited by Friday; 10th March 09 at 10:17 AM.
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