With all do respect I stand by my point about your comparison.
Unless all you know of Scottish Culture is the movie "Braveheart", you don't buy a modern Kilt to celebrate your Scottish heritage. If you do, well you also probably bought some blue face paint to go with it (as well as a traditional Scottish katana).*
I am in agreement with you as the argument "Traditional hand sewn Kilts are too expensive" or "I can't afford it" to justify the purchase of a mass produced one is a bit weak.
Some time back here on XMTS there was a wonderful photo of someone who had literally saved their pennies to buy a traditional kilt (he had saved all his change over a year or so and was able to order a brand new kilt with the final amount).
There are things in life worth saving for and there is a reason they are worth saving for them.
They are worth it.
* Should you meet such a person at a Highland Games make sure to ask them about the details of the battle of Stirling Bridge bridge!)