Something that has come up many times on this forum is the issue of the tradition of tartan and the kilt. Many speak of the association of tartan with families and the traditions behind it. Others will immediately chime in about how the association of a specific tartan to a clan is only a couple of centuries old, so it really doesn't mean much.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do have a question for those who discount the "short" traditions. The traditions of the US Marine Corps are about the same age as the association of tartans and families. Do the traditions of the Corps not mean anything because they are only a couple of centuries old? And what about the beliefs inherent in the US system of government? That's also about the same age; are they not valid because they're so new?

Now, I do agree that we shouldn't perpetuate the myth that ancient Scots climbed out of the primordial ooze wearing tartan, and there do seem to be some that believe that. But at the same time we shouldn't discount someone's traditions because they "haven't been around long enough." Just because someone's traditions aren't ancient doesn't mean they aren't valid.

If it's not your tradition, no one should say you have to follow it. But at the same time, don't ridicule those who do.