First kilted funeral wore my Forest Green AmeriKilt with a nice bulky sweater.

At my mother's wake wore her Scott tartan.

At an AA friend's funeral wore the X Marks tartan kilt since the colors match the book jacket colors of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and it seemed a good fit for me to honor her. Her family went wild over my wearing a kilt to her funeral and all thanked me in excess. Turns out she had Scottish blood - who'd have known from her married name?

Before kilts I wore a bright yellow Aloha shirt to my little brother's funeral - celebration often seems more appropriate than dark dank mourning colors.

Think its pretty much up to each of us to figure out what the deal is gonna be and where we fit into the services. Close family and friends can pretty much wear whatever they think is best. More distant friends may wanna seem more subtle.

The answers are in your heart, not some book.
