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  1. #5
    Join Date
    17th December 07
    Staunton, Va
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    There are two main problems with synthetic horse hair sporrans. The first is their size; most are too short and look like an albino whisk broom when worn. The second problem is static build-up which causes the synthetic "hairs" to want to stand up and separate from one another, giving it the cheesy look of a worn out albino whisk broom.

    In terms of texture and maintenance the horsehair sporran is far more luxurious looking (as is angora), although it might require a bit more care. They can be carefully hand washed in cool water and patted dry, although with antiques you have to be careful not to get the bag too wet. I suppose the big difference comes down to you-- if you take care of your things, like polishing your shoes, then a real hair sporran (goat or horse) is the only way to go. If, on the other hand, you buy Corfam shoes so you don't have to worry about polishing them-- well you will probably be willing to accept the short comings of a synthetic sporran.

    My advice would be to save up the bucks and look for an antique horse hair or goat hair sporran. In the long run, I think, you will be far, far happier.
    Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 7th April 09 at 08:59 AM.

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