When my husband asked "the question" of a proper scottish gentelman it was for proper informational purposes. The proper way to wear a kilt. He didn't feel comfortable asking much less finding this place. They went off and had a proper kilt wearing dicussion. It was a professional discussion, vs the drunk girls who ask him questions.

I think it ranks up there with would a guy go up to a girl and ask her bra size. If she is talking about it for knowledge purposes with fellow girls that is one thing. Some random guy asking it not so good.

I don't care either way it is the guy's buisness. I will tease my husband before he leaves about it, but it isn't done to offend. I simply send him off with a "Look out for up drafts." (The first time he wore his kilt I tried to tell him not to walk by the window because they often have the cold air vents on and I don't like the air up my skirts, and I know he wouldn't want it up his kilt. Yet he didn't listen to me, and ....) It is simply a personal jest.

All in all it is the guys business not mine. I'm just glad to see guys in kilts.