My wife's brother got married this weekend. The groom and his men wore kilts (including myself.) He had his kilt made in the Wood tartan (his surname.) The other two guys wore Black Watch, and I wore my Seaforth kilt. They had a piper, and I cannot remember his name, but he's pretty popular.

I'll have to upload some pictures of the actual event this evening, and then some more after the photographer gets the pictures ready.

For starters, here's my kilt in reconstruction. The pleats were in sorry shape when I got it about a year ago or so, but the actual kilt is really beautiful and held up well the past 57 years.

This first picture shows how far I had gotten with basting.

And the second is kind of a close up of how the pleats were looking from below.

My wife has all the good pictures on her camera at home. I'll be sure to snag it and get some pictures up here.