This was my first-ever attempt at knitting anything, and taking on a pair of kilt hose was certainly a challenge There were some rough spots, for me and for those in my sphere, but all in all I enjoyed the experience and am looking forward to murdering, that is, taking a stab at the next pattern.

I can see all the flaws and flubs in this pair but as long as Bob walks quickly it should be OK (and we can both use the exercise ) Definitely 6-foot hose! Especially with the "Frankenstein foot" effect, where either I missed a "turn and work from the other side now" note or it was one of those things that a more experienced knitter would have known to do without being told. I might even try this pattern again, now that I know where the snakes are.*

* A term my sister and I use to describe pitfalls in patterns -- akin to "there be dragons!"