Having made a minor hash of my first-ever knitting project (wearable but flawed kilt hose), I wanted to get right back on the horse STS and try again. I was going to repeat the same pattern but figured, what the heck, let's go for a different cuff pattern. Found a basketweave that I liked, fiddled the stitch count to enlarge the "weave" and fit the stitch count I needed, and plunged in. Here's the first cuff done, in Patons Classic Wool / Moss Heather. It's a richer green than shows on my monitor, with light and dark golden brown highlights.

I like knitting both mates at once, so next step is casting on and knitting the other cuff. Oh yeah, another addiction / another project / another distraction from the work that pays the bills so I can buy more fabric and yarn!