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    bricelythgoe is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Angry Practical jokes that go over the line..

    I was just wondering if anyone has had something happen where a person played a joke on you and while they thought it was funny, you thought it crossed the line. Me and another teacher were playing some funny little jokes on each other today. Then, he thought it would be hilarious to go and take my lunch/dinner (I have two jobs and pack enough food to keep me going from lunchtime at 12:00 until I leave to go home at 8:00 pm) and eat it. He did this at 9:30 in morning. Plus he told all his students that he had MY lunch and started handing things out of it to them. I know some people might find that really funny, but I did not. I was fuming the rest of the day (And now I am at my night job with an empty stomach). I knew that I had to keep my mouth shut or I would say something I would regret.

    I was wondering if anyone else has had something like this happen to them (specifically at work, but not necessary for you to share) that they would like to share. Maybe have a time for group venting.

    Last edited by bricelythgoe; 20th May 09 at 04:38 PM.

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