Quote Originally Posted by bear@bearkilts.com View Post
I keep thinking about this thread. I'm not entirely comfortable with my upper body shape and I'm working on it, but I'm 50 and it goes slowly. The question that keeps popping into my head is, "What if I never get lean?"
Would that mean I could never again go without a shirt on a sunny day?
I can't accept that.
I'm just going ahead and taking off my shirt.
No harm will be done. Small children will not scream. Dogs will not froth at the mouth.
Vast sheets of the polar ice caps will not cascade majestically into the ocean, causing massive worlwide flooding and general panic.
Uncounted armies of the undead will not rise seeking brains for brunch.

It's just a tummy, guys!

I see worse every day walking down the street. See that short, 300 lb woman in the spandex shorts and halter top? No, the other 300 lb woman in the spandex shorts and halter top. Yeah, the one with the lime green crocs, pink hair, and celtic tattoo on her calf.

My tummy's not sounding so bad!
I think you should go for it (not that you need my blessing). I've recently made a similar declaration to wear my bathing suits uncovered this summer and not worry about my imperfections. I have a whole drawer full of adorable swimming suits that have yet to be worn, because I usually end up wearing board shorts and a rash guard. Not this summer though!