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    Join Date
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    Question Wear a what?????????

    While surfing the web for articles on Highland dress, I came across this gem. I don't know if anyone else seen it and wondered about it like I did. I couldn't think of any other forum where this could go. If it is out of place here, please move it to the correct forum. I hope I don't offend anyone with this post, as it is meant as a humorous mis-statement. Thank you, and have a chuckle.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Styles of kilt wear

    Today most Scotsmen see the kilt as formal dress or ceremonial dress. For Scotsmen, the kilt is usually worn with a Prince Albert or an Argyll jacket. Irishmen on the other hand commonly wear the Brian Boru or the Kilkenny jacket with the kilt. They are often worn at weddings or other formal occasions, while there are still a few people who wear them daily. The kilt is also used for parades by groups such as the Scouts, and in many places the kilt is seen in force at Highland games and pipe band championships as well as being worn at Scottish country dances and ceilidhs.
    Last edited by Seumas52; 8th June 09 at 07:02 PM.

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