Hi there. Im finally going to get my first customized kilt
I came across someone who is willing to have 16oz 8 yard kilts, pleated to the stripe for £230. For the same rquirements all of the shops Ive checked out have quoted me £370-450 (also due to VAT)
I've seen examples of the kilts the girl has made in the past. Shes graduated from Keith Kilt School after a 1 1/2 year course and has made douzens of kilts of all requirements and sizes and they seem to be perfect. She also has a 3 week turnaround for the tartan Ive asked for - all other places say 6-8weeks and ideally I would need it in 6 for a wedding.

What do you guys think?
Is the reputation of Heritage of Scotland or Scotweb etc. worth the price? Or do you think that as long as YOU know that the person is capable of making the same quality of kilt you're assured enough, and you'd be happy to just pay 2/3-1/2 of the price?