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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th June 09
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    Brand new - engaged - and needing a little kilt advice (just kilt advice for now)

    I'm sorry to start a new thread with this question but it seems like I'm getting a pretty late start and my fiance is likely to stab me if I mess this up (she's a redhead). Also, it would kill me to let her down. We are getting married at the end of Sept. and we would very much prefer that the men in the wedding party be clad in kilts. As for myself, I'd like to purchase a whole argyll outfit and I know my best man and my father will want to do the same thing. Everyone else would be a rental (5 remaining gentlemen who would need argyll rentals). If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd say I've been interested in taking the plunge into kilt wearing much longer than I've been interested in taking the plunge into marriage - not that proposing was an excuse. Can some of you dedicated experts refer me to some reputable vendors that can do both rentals and quality full argyll outfits in that time frame (3 months)? We live in central VA and will be getting married here. Thanks very much for your help.
    Last edited by M_A_C; 24th June 09 at 06:04 PM.

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