Well, the first ever Boise, Idaho Kilt night went really well. We had 4 Kilted gentlemen and two ladies in Tartan.
A few people couldn't make it because of various problems, but they are all excited to come next month and we're definitely going to make it a monthly thing.
Diane and I were the only Xmarkers there, but Kevin joined so a big welcome to Kevin! Shaun is thinking about it so hopefully he'll have fun if he does.
We even had a gentleman called Bob drop by who found the Kilt Night post randomly online!

So here are a few pictures and a poll for you guys to help us come up with our official name!

To start off, here is the great pin that Teri got me. (She knows I am about to petition to become a Mason. I love it, but I wore it only on Kilt night and will keep it until I am officially a Mason.)

Next, a picture of Shaun in a Kilt. He's a great friend of mine and borrowed my Heritage of Wales Kilt and my fishing sporran to wear for the evening. Teri got him the shirt. He had so much fun that he's now planning to buy himself a Kilt.

Teri got herself this very cute Kilt handbag just for Kilt nights.

Now, here's a picture of the whole rabble.

From left to right:

Diane in a lovely black, white and pink fashion tartan skirt.
Arlen in the Macdonald of Clanranald in Ancient colours.
Bob in the American District tartan.
Teri in a black, white and gray fashion tartan skirt.
Shaun in a Heritage of Wales Kilt.
Kevin in a Black Watch Kilt.

The lasses decided to pose seductively.

And the lads decided to point to the big T.V. we got all to ourselves.

And then do the Hamish, of course.

And on the way home Diane and Kevin just had to post with the Front Door street sign.

Now, I can't seem to get the poll option to come up no matter what I do, So here is a list of the possible suggestions.
Whichever one gets the most votes will win!

Boise's Energetic Eccentric Rabble (B.E.E.R.)

The Southern Idaho Kilt Society (S.I.K.S.)

The Fashionable Organisation of Kilted Scots (F.O.K.S.)

Kilted In Idaho Society (K.I.I.S)

Kilted Warriors Of the Gem State (K.W.O.G.S.)

The Regal Order of Kilted Knights (R.O.K.K.)