Twice in a little over a month now I have received word from one of our handsewn kiltmakers here on the forum that they had new kilts ready for me and were prepared to send them, and I actually had to ask them to hold onto them for an extra week each as I was heading out of twon and did not want to risk having them sit on my front porch and get rained on or stolen. The first "voluntary jones extension" occurred a bit ago when our own Bonnie Heather had my much awaited (about 6 weeks actually) Forrester Hunting tank ready to post, and I was heading out of the country for a week. I now just got word yesterday that Barb T has my "5-month jonesing for it" Maple Leaf tank ready to send out Monday. Only I am leaving town WEdnesday morning for 8 days in Wisconsin doing a charity cycling event with my wife in memory of her son Codie who died of Leukemia 8 years ago. I had to ask her to hold it til the following Monday to post so I could be sure to be home when it arrived. As a doctor I know there is no drug, no treatment, no cure for that intense internal ache I am going to be suffering for the next 12 days knowing my kilt is ready but I cannot have it yet.

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Sorry, that was the pirate in me getting out.

Pictures will be forthcoming once I get her wrapped around my ample waist, but I just had to share my particular agony with you all. Okay, time for the pity party to start.

jeff :ootd: and soon to be a legitimate member of the Tewksbury owner's group