Quote Originally Posted by Dall_Piobaire View Post
I wonder if someone could have just wandered up and said, "hey I lost a camera, did you guys find one?" They produce yours, it being the only one, "Hey, thanks so much, that's it. Now your camera is their camera! So sorry man!

Must say though, while you were photo documenting ole wrong way, Matt did get some fairly tasty pics....purely for research and example puroses though!

At least they accepted responsibility for it, most places won't even do that.

Not insured was it? Homeowners, know what I mean!!!!
Wouldn't be surprised if the first scenario occurred, although you'd think they would have gotten a signature or ID for something that valuable -- and it would have been remembered when the second person showed up.

As for the final paragraph, not only does it hint at fraud but even if he were not being compensated most homeowner's insurance A) has a higher deductible than the camera's value and B) making this claim could either cause them to cancel you next year or raise your premiums by more than the amount. Sad truth of homeowner's insurance, you'd best use it only for catastrophic losses and just eat the little stuff. IMHO, of course.